Progress is so exciting!
Time to give another update on the shop!
Back in May and June, it seemed like FOR-EV-ER before we could get started! There was so much we had to do just to get in the door!?! And then I had some family stuff that took precedence for a while. But now actual work is being done on our space and it’s happening so fast!!! Isn’t it funny how that works sometimes. And it’s almost too fast for me. Like the space is going to be ready, but my sign options to offer at classes are still in the works. I’ve got so many fun ideas for signs, but getting them fleshed out and actually designed on my computer is tough.
Here are a few ideas I’m thinking about…
Anyway, back to the fun stuff. The work on the shop!! As I mentioned last time, we removed the drop ceiling (wow was that messy). And after discovering a second/older drop ceiling in half of the space, we decided we were ready to hire someone to finish all the “fun stuff” we couldn’t do ourselves. Thanks to a friend of mine I found an amazing contractor, Patrick Stamey of Stamey Contracting Services, LLC. He and his crew are really transforming the space. And they aren’t even done! And a special shout out to Anthony Fairbanks who completely refinished the oak hardwood floors. Take a look at the progress.
Before: Nice and open, but just not quite right.

During: I told you it was messy!

Better: The open ceiling makes such a difference.

After: Well, after the ceiling, walls, and floors were finished. We still have some work to do.

I’m getting so excited! And nervous… And EXCITED! All the encouraging words from friends, neighbors, and complete strangers makes me feel blessed to be able to bring this workshop to the wonderful community of Tucker. My husband and I feel so blessed to be in such a great community that we are committing to donate 10% of revenues to local area charities. More to come in future editions of the blog…
Finally, we are closing in on an official opening date. My husband’s optimistic prediction is late August. However, I’m thinking it will probably be early September (pending fire inspection, certificate of occupancy, etc.). Either way, it’s getting closer!! And when we have an exact date, those of you on our mailing list will be first to know! If you haven’t yet, you can sign up here. At the grand opening, we will select 3 random subscribers to win a free class!
Now, back to work, or the hardware store for supplies.